6 Weeks of Sex and Synastry


6 Weeks of Sex and Synastry


The purpose of this course is to invoke your own intelligence about how to navigate compatibility in the birth chart. By the end of the 6 weeks, you should feel closer to understanding what you need in order to feel nourished in a partnership spiritually and sexually.

A lesson in the form of a written document will be sent to your personal email every Friday for 6 weeks. The specific time of delivery will vary. Expect your first email on the nearest Friday after your purchase. Please leave the email you desire me to use at checkout.

This course is best suited for individuals who already have a foundation in astrology. You should feel comfortable pulling your natal chart. You should have basic knowledge of signs, planets, and houses. Vedic astrology will be incorporated in this lesson. Be open to learning lunar mansions and all versions of cosmology. This lesson includes my own investigations and evidence based off my social understanding of astrology.

Lessons Include:
Ancient Compatibility Techniques
Compatibility of the Signs
Turn-Ons and Sexual Preferences
Simple Composite Techniques
Simple Synastry Techniques

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