Cap New Moon Magic                                                                                                    

Performing reiki for you was a pleasure. I commend you all for staying committed to your spiritual hygiene and highest self. Take my channeled messages as they resonate, I fully expect your intuition to work differently from mine. I just type what I feel, and you interpret. 

This is how I perform the reiki: I scan your chakras to see which are imbalanced and which are balanced. I perform the reiki while listening to the guided meditation, write down all my channeled messages, then I do another scan to see if the chakras are balanced after the session. During the session I am pulling out and rotating stagnant energy with my hands and my selenite wand. I use reiki symbols throughout the whole session. 

1st Assessment- imbalanced
2nd Assessment- balanced
- the primary focus of this session was root chakra work and grounding. I also focused on the whole body to relieve pain, tension, and stress in the body before going into the new year
- I saw a gold light shining from the crown
- all the upper chakras were imbalanced, collectively the group is disconnected from their intuition and trust in self
- ignore public opinions and collective influence if it doesn’t resonate. Listening to others is creating unnecessary doubt in your mind
- I saw an airplane, travel could be on the radar for many
- I had a slight headache while working here, so I spent time pulling out the stagnant energy

Third Eye:
1st Assessment- imbalanced
2nd Assessment- balanced
- I saw gold light in the third eye as well
- swan and turtle spriit animals
- 333, 3333, 3344, 3446, 4433, 3446
- lots of creative energy in the third eye, enter a flow state and create
- I saw a DJ
- if you’re dreaming of rain, you are aligning with a marriage/union

1st Assessment- imbalanced
2nd Assessment- balanced
- the energy felt the heaviest in the throat chakra, I started to clear my throat while I was working here
- uncomfortable conversations could be coming up for the collective
- hard conversations with friends- bougie friends?
- I set intentions for speaking truth and honesty
- I heard the names Rachel, Monique, Nancy, Trey, and Alyssa
- I worked on relieving neck pain/ tension
- a goal of drinking a gallon of water a day could be relevant

Heart :
1st Assessment: balanced
2nd Assessment: balanced
- check on your 11/11 manifestations specifically to see what you have accomplished
- sound boundaries with love
- embrace fuller/curvier figures
- very vivid colors in the heart chakra, rainbow
- Goddesses Athena and Isis were present
- plan the self-care day

Solar Plexus: 
1st Assessment: balanced
2nd Assessment: balanced
- I saw a red carpet
- fear of being seen needs to be worked through, journaling will help
- I see long periods of stagnation and large periods of expansion, could be ups and downs coming up that you need to be aware of
- saw someone at a dog park
- reminder to make a dentist appointment

Sacral Chakra:
1st Assessment: balanced
2nd Assessment: balanced
- the sacral had the least messages for me
- spend more time at home
- confirmation for someone to try a pescatarian diet
- I sensed many of you cutting chords. The sacral is connected to sexual and emotional boundaries. More boundaries = Less attachments. Less attachments = less energy to clear.

Root Chakra:
1st Assessment: balanced 
2nd Assessment: balanced
- eat more root vegetables to ground yourself
- also jump up and down ground grounding
- I smelled sandalwood, maybe a candle?
- started to get really tired at this point in the session
- I sensed someone getting robbed stolen from
- while working on the root chakra, I focused on clearing energy in the joints and bones too

I affirm I cleared some energy for you! Some people are pissed after reiki, some people get headaches, some feel sad, some feel great, some feel energized, some feel nothing, and all feelings are acceptable. I want to remind you to save all of the links you were sent. Reiki lasts for about 2 weeks. Stay hydrated. Thank you for the opportunity.